Dawnbreaker dota 2
Dawnbreaker dota 2

Hurling it forwards, the Hammer damages anyone in a line before returning to the Dawnbreaker after two seconds. Not content to only swing her hammer, Valora also throws her weapon with this secondary ability. On an average cooldown, with significant area of effect damage, this ability has tonnes of utility. After the final spin, she brings her hammer down, stunning anyone unlucky enough to be close to her. The Dawnbreaker spins her hammer around three times, damaging anyone close to her. Valora’s Q is Starbreaker, a basic melee attack for dealing damage to multiple enemies. Introducing an all-new cosmic hero, Dawnbreaker, and the 7.29 Gameplay Update.


Her skills are kind of clunky to use during team fights without BKB and most of her impact comes from playing off of set up from her allies.The dark days of winter are finally behind us as today's update heralds the break of radiant dawn. Overall, Dawnbreaker is a relatively straightforward brawler who excels at playing with momentum. This makes it arguably the highest value level one spell in the game at only 80 mana. Her Starbreaker combo can potentially hit for over 200 damage and a stun if the entire thing lands at level one. Dawnbreaker can dominate the trading game with her great base armor, damage and movement speed. One super important closing thought on the hero is that you must capitalize on her strong laning stage. On the surface it makes you think it’s for dealing damage but in reality it's actually meant to just sustain your allies in the middle of a melee. You can’t really use her ultimate without help and her Luminosity kind of feels like one of those trick abilities. In some sense, Dawnbreaker is kind of useless without her team. Solar Guardian gives the unique power to add an extra body and stun to a gank or teamfight that has already started anywhere on the map. Aggressively, she is a hero who wants to be the second or third one in. The stun and damage from the spell are enough to matter and especially useful when punishing a tower dive or interrupting the chaos of an already started team fight. The healing from Solar Guardian is not something you should overlook as it can keep allies alive just long enough for their spells or escape mechanics to come back off of cooldown. Most of her skills can be described as “follow-up” or “counter initiation” and this is where her strength really lies. Her ability to catch and kill anyone alone is quite low without any truly reliable disables or real burst damage. Whichever build you choose, Dawnbreaker really needs her allies to accomplish much of anything in the game. Her ability to turn around a fight with immense global healing is not to be underestimated.

dawnbreaker dota 2

There has also been some experimenting with Holy Locket, Valdmir's Offering and Guardian Greaves to really capitalize on her supportive potential. The offlane tank build really likes Solar Crest, BKB and Heaven's Halberd. As a ganking mid Topson likes to go for Sange and Yasha, Black King Bar, Satanic and Desolator. Tranquil Boots also work quite well for Support Dawnbreaker.īeyond the early game her itemization can diverge quite a bit. For more tanky or utility based builds you can opt for Soul Ring, Arcane Boots, Urn of Shadows or Medallion of Courage. For mid Dawnbreaker this comes in the form of a Bottle, Phase Boots and Echo Saber.

dawnbreaker dota 2

Low cooldown spells and a brawling play style means you'll need some early regeneration and stats. She seems meant to deal with the creep waves on dangerous parts of the map and then join her team using her ultimate Solar Guardian as soon as the fight kicks off.Īt the moment there seem to be two or maybe three main ways of playing the hero effectively.įor all three of these builds we need to solve a couple main issues that the hero has. Her ability to push out waves is decent but also relatively mana intensive as you will have to expend both Starbreaker and Celestial Hammer to kill the wave for the first 20 or so minutes. Possibly the most interesting part of Dawnbreaker’s ability set is that she is built to fight but also kind of wants to play alone. That is a wide variety of ways to impact the game and almost all of them require fighting with your teammates. She slows, she stuns, she gap closes, she is tanky enough to fight early and has global anti-intiation potential.

dawnbreaker dota 2

Instead, let’s talk about what Dawnbreaker does well.

Dawnbreaker dota 2