Gw2 mad memoires
Gw2 mad memoires

I was using a Fire/Arcane/Water build that maximized burning and healing, but have switched over to a Fire/Air/Arcane build that is burning/precision/strike. While the Balthazar runes must have been a popular configuration back in the day, a condition build for a staff elementalist no longer seems advised. Otherwise, my jewelry is self-crafted, either in a Valkyrie or Cleric's configuration. I'm wearing a cosmetic backpack (the flaming Mad Memoires). I've also got an exotic ring, which is Knight's with a Captain's jewel in it (?). I got an Ascended Amulet of Celebration (as a birthday gift?) and selected the Celestial array for it, as that seems like a viable build for a Condi Weaver. I've got the Ancient Karka Shell, which looks like a Celestial set. My main set of gear is a mixed Rabid/Soldier's set, all with Superior Runes of Balthazar (+condition +burning). One is a set of Cleric's, which I'm guessing I used for WvW I can't think of any other applicability. Potions, trinkets, obscure stuff from holiday events, etc. I've culled most of the outfits out of my bank vault, though I still have an inordinate amount of meta-equipment. And, after reading some guides, it's become apparent to me that I was never the sort of player to modify my build in order to take on specific challenges (though I've always been far more of a PvE and occasional WvW player, so that degree of strategic approach to play hasn't strictly been necessary). It's taking brain power to determine situational approaches in the heat of battle, and when it gets dicey, I get a little button mashy. While I still have muscle memory for playing the character, I'm less attuned to the conceptual/tactical stuff and also need to retrain my perception for dodging in anticipation of attacks, etc. I've been reading a number of guides to tighten up my tactical game and build, after 7 years away from the game. Anyway, that experience has me wanting to see if I can tighten up my build and gear. I may have to try the content using the new Weaver specialization, which I'm about 33% complete on, though I am nowhere near as proficient at it. I was surprised at how tough the content was I was downed 3-4 times (staff elementalist main character). It looks like I was almost finished with the first chapter, but that was seven years ago. Getting involved would be a matter of joining such a guild and learning from them.Īfter a weekend out of town, I started the LWS2 content again.

gw2 mad memoires gw2 mad memoires

I guess there will start to be some guilds that become known for WvW, much like Snowcrows, Discretize and Mistlocked are known for Raiding and Fractals.

gw2 mad memoires

Those people are scattered across a number of servers, so this will let them group up and play together in WvW, as well as doing Fractals, Strikes and other content.Īs for more casual players, that is a good question. On the other hand, my Guild has been doing T4 Fractals every day over the past year or so, and have recruited a bunch of people that we've pugged with along the way. It may make it much easier to take objectives, but perhaps make it impossible to defend them. I am a little worried about how things will play out in general as there are a decent number of experienced veterans on at any time on my server (Yak's Bend). Not having to deal with them will be nice. There's a lot of very skilled servers out there that would rather farm t2/t3 them be moved up to t1, to the point where they will just not play for a week to prevent it from happening.

Gw2 mad memoires