Learn java swings
Learn java swings

learn java swings

In this example a JCheckBox and a JLabel are added to a JFrame, so that the Label is only visible when the CheckBox is activated.


To add more components to a frame, add them to a Container, and set a flowLayout, like this: In this Java tutorial for beginners, you will learn Java programming basics like What is Java platform, JVM, how to install Java, OOPS concepts, variables, class, object, arrays, strings, command-line arguments, garbage collection, inheritance, polymorphism, interface, constructor, packages, etc. This Item will take up all the window room. Notice that you can only add one Item to a window.


This allows to update something else immediately when the box state changes. JCheckBox also fires an action event when changing the state, so it is possible to register an action listener for it, same as for a button. Multi-threaded Java has inbuilt multithreading capabilities, which. To figure out if it is activated, you need to call its method isSelected(). In this tutorial, we will learn how to create a Java swing application and connect to a MySQL database using the JDBC API. Why Java Platform independence Java runs on the WORA (Writing Once, Run Anywhere). JCheckBox checkBox = new JCheckBox("name") compiled Java code can run on all platforms that support Java. Is a widely known on/off switch, common in many user interfaces. It was developed and intended to follow the WORA concept which means Write Once Run Anywhere i.e. Then you should make a ActionPerformed method(see example) To figure out if a button is pressed you can write:


Here are some examples (a full list for your JDK is in the java documentation):Ī simple label that cannot be pressed, and shows a piece of text. There are quite a lot of components in Java. You can also say setVisible(false), which you can use when you would like to remove a component from a frame (for example if you want a warning message to disappear). It is no use making a frame if it is not visible. The last statement sets the frame visible. I would go ahead and do the chapter because GUI toolkits have a lot of similarities and even if you never use Swing it will still give you experience with GUI toolkits in general. Because it is in the JDK it is the easiest GUI toolkit to get started with. there is also DO_NOTHING_ON_CLOSE, I think you can guess what this does. Swing is still found in the JDK and it is not deprecated, this is a myth. The third statement sets what happens when you press "x". The second statement sets the size and position of the frame, first the position(x,y) (in pixels) and the second the size(x,y) Learning Swing with the NetBeans IDE is the fastest and easiest way to begin working with Swing. Then it tells you how to compile and run programs that use Swing components. Since then I have been working on Data Stack using various technologies.


First it gives you a bit of background about Swing. I am Abhishek Choudhary aka ABC, have more than 15+ years of professional software engineering experience.
I started my career as Java Developer, worked on Java Swing, and Eclipse RCP, and then moved on to Big Data around 2011.

It is not necessary to give the frame a title, JFrame() works as well. Getting Started with Swing is a quick start lesson. Java uses Just in Time compiler which can execute the code on demand, this allows to execute only the method that is being called, which makes it faster and efficient.Import java.awt.* import javax.swing.* // needed for frame creation public class testJFrame Compiled java code which is known as byte code is like a machine code, that allows a faster execution. Performance: Java is significantly faster than other traditional interpreted programming languages.

learn java swings

  • Easy to learn: Syntax is easy and there are lot of tutorials available online including the one which you are currently reading.

    For example, a program written on Mac OS can run on Windows and vice versa.

  • Platform independent: Java doesn’t depend on the operating system.
  • learn java swings

    There are several features of Java, some of them are: Lots of new features are added on every Java release. Java receives updates regularly which makes it more robust and future proof. Java Programming language has several features which other programming languages don’t have. Later this idea was dropped and Java is developed for internet programming. The original idea was to develop this programming language for digital devices such as television, set-top box, remote etc. In 1991 James Gosling and his friends formed a team called Green Team to further work on this project. Java is an object oriented programming language developed by Sun Microsystems in early 1990 by developers James Gosling, Mike Sheridan and Patrick Naughton. Includes collection of guides on various java classes and methods with examples. Method Overloading vs Method Overriding.Download Java from official website: link Java Introduction

    Learn java swings